Graduation Day


The City College Of New York Graduation Day | Division of Arts and Humanities

On May 31st 2017, draped in my graduation gown and cap, with my yellow tassels cascading  to the side, I silently stood in line surrounded by a diverse group of  excited individuals laughing, chatting, snapping pictures under cloudy skies waiting for the ceremony to begin.  Only then, did I realized my reality.   It was over!

I was no longer a student!  For two years I committed myself to enroll in school and had lived within the confines of a demanding schedule: 35 hours workweek, approximately 12-14 hours in class, 10-12 hours commuting, approximately 28 hours per week sleeping, and at that moment my structure was disrupted. Nerves and a bit of anxiety kicked in which left me feeling a bit displaced and wondering what’s NEXT!

I was jolted back to the present state of affairs as the  processional song beamed through the garden competing with the prideful cheers of my mother, sister, brother, nephew, niece and one of my best friends along with other families welcoming our class of 2017.   As I walked towards my seat surrounded by my fellow graduates, a range of emotions flooded me and I started to cry because of how proud I felt in that moment especially for everything that I had sacrificed and endured  in order to get there and I felt at peace even if I was unable to figure out what’s Next.   In that moment, I choose to remain there and embrace the feeling of accomplishment, pride, camaraderie, love and happiness.



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