Category: Uncategorized

  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day

    The City College Of New York Graduation Day | Division of Arts and Humanities On May 31st 2017, draped in my graduation gown and cap, with my yellow tassels cascading  to the side, I silently stood in line surrounded by a diverse group of  excited individuals laughing, chatting, snapping pictures under cloudy skies waiting for…

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  • Grenada screening recap

    Grenada screening recap

    Thank you to all the people who turned out to the Grenada screening of Scars Of Our Mothers’ Dreams. I appreciate all the interest in the film and the way it was received. Please see the video below that Carlana, host of Cocktails & Conversation and founder of FemmePowered and I did post screening. Visit FemmePowered’s…

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  • Scars Debut in Grenada

    Special Screening of Scars of Our Mothers’ Dreams at Cocktails and Conversations Grenada, W.I. – June 14th, 2017   Cocktail in hand, I walked around the room embracing everyone (some familiar, others strangers),  welcoming them for coming out to share this special showcase of the film in Grenada, not only with me,  but moreso with Melissa…

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  • CityVisions Premiere

    CityVisions Premiere

    Scars Of Our Mothers’ Dreams academic debut at Cityvisions Showcase, June 2nd 2017 I felt like a first time mother pridefully and eagerly  ready to reveal my newborn to my family and the world, as I walked through the doors of the  Auditorium on Broadway for the Cityvisions Showcase.    This journey was conceptualized  approximately four…

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